Waterfall Weekend


We had been planning to go to Tallulah Gorge FOREVER but never got the chance to get around to it. We finally set a solid date, made a reservation for a campsite, and asked off work. HOW SIMPLE. We invited Garrett on this adventure as well to have some extra fun (and because he is good at lifting heavy things and starting fires and pitching tents and carrying things). When we arrived to check-in at the campground, it was already after dark and no one was in the office or the visitor’s center. We had no idea what to do so we drove around for a while and decided to just pick an empty site and go to the office to check-in the next morning. Luckily for us, however, Macenzie began to take a wrong turn and a man came out from behind an RV and waved at us to let us know we couldn’t go that way. We rolled down the window to see if he knew how we could check-in, and what do ya know, he was the man we needed to see. He gave us a paper to turn into the main office in the morning and told us to choose any empty site.

We picked our site and began to set up… in the rain. We then ate because we were starving by this point (always). We brought tons of vegan food because this was our first trip since going plant-based and we wanted to be sure we had enough. Garrett brought six turkey sandwiches and a bag of chips (bless him). We finished out the night playing Phase Ten inside the tent while it stormed outside. The trusty ol’ tent held up pretty well. (Shout out to Eureka!)


The next morning, we checked-in with the kind lady at the office and she told us that a brand new food truck was opening that day in the visitor’s center parking lot (NEAT). We ate breakfast, packed our day packs, and headed for the trails. The lady who welcomed us at the visitor’s center (okay it is actually named the “Interpretive Center” but we don’t like that name and don’t understand why it’s called that, are they doing interpretive dances with the bears or something?) informed us that the gorge floor was closed to visitors because they were performing a water release all weekend. WHEEET! She showed us the trail we could still hike instead and we were off.


This trail was mostly stairs and included a large bridge and a small waterfall. A family took 38 years to check out the bridge while we patiently waited for them to leave so we could take pictures. It didn’t take us very long to finish the main trail (maybe an hour), but we got lost on the return. We ended up on the main highway and crossed the street to a completely different side of the park. We walked up onto a Memorial Day parade forming on a small road and awkwardly nodded at all of the old men and women lining up in their cars. When we finally realized where we were we still had to walk another mile to the car. (I feel like this always happens to us..)


When we finally arrived back at the main building we decided to check out the food truck called Skye Burger. The family who owns it is very sweet and the business is named after their daughter. We asked questions about the menu (they have a veggie burger but it is not vegan), and all three of us decided to get a popsicle. The popsicles really hit the spot after our long confusing walk and we went back to camp to figure out what to do next.

We all wanted to go for a swim so we put on our bathing suits and walked to the “beach” in the park. This was also closed and we were super bummed. We didn’t know what to do so we googled nearby hikes and swimming holes. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that Panther Creek Falls was only a 15-minute drive from Tallulah Gorge. This hike was also on our bucket list so of course we went! We found it on Google Maps and the navigation took us down some scary dirt road that dead ended in the middle of nowhere. We tried a different address and got directed to the middle of a different nowhere. Third times the charm right? We set it to yet another location and once again, dirt road with no sign of a trail. Were we really this stupid… How do people find this place on a regular basis? There was a BP gas station across the street so we asked the guy working inside. He directed us to the actual parking lot for the trail (which is very small and definitely hard to find) WOOHOO!


The hike is only seven miles total in and out. We begin the hike with plenty of confidence knowing we have done much crazier hikes in the past. We did not know, however, that this hike would prove itself to be one of the hardest we have ever completed. This hike was packed with muddy sink holes, multiple rushing creeks, tree roots grabbing at your feet, and cliffs where you could easily fall to your death. We all fell at some point in the hike (Paisley fell a total of 3 times; Macenzie got gnarly blisters from wet Chacos; we do not recommend wearing sandals; BRING THE BOOTS). While the hike was a bit difficult, it was extremely beautiful, and the end result is worth every scrape and bruise, seriously.

It was three and a half miles to the waterfall and we swore we had been that far ten times already during the hike. We always second guess ourselves and wonder if we are still headed in the right direction lol. Does anyone else do that? We thought we may never reach the falls. When we finally did get there, it was the sketchiest point of the hike. You have to traverse down a very steep hill with nothing to hold onto. Who discovered this place?! After we had made it down we nervously watched an old man and a woman with a baby strapped to her chest make the risky descent after us. When we see this place it is like an OASIS in the forest. ENOs hung from every limb, tents dispersed through the trees, and basically a hidden beach by a waterfall was among us. This was definitely worth it.


By this point we were starving, of course, but we decided to test the water before eating our snacks. It was the coldest water we have ever been in and, needless to say, we didn’t stay for a swim. Mac did somehow manage to dunk her head underwater. We got out of the freezing water, ate our snacks, watched the many campers make lunch, and hung our ENOs for a quick nap. After an hour or so we decided to hike back to the car. We finally managed to make it back to camp right around sunset.


The campground had shower stalls so we decided to shower before dinner. Macenzie had to shower with her swimsuit on because there was a toddler in the stall beside her that stared at her through the cracks the entire time (LOL). After showers we had a feast with most of the food we had left. Feeling clean, full, and sore, we got comfortable in the tent and watched YouTube videos before passing out for a good night’s rest. The next morning, we packed up camp and headed for home. Whenever near Atlanta, we always stop at Whole Foods for a vegan lunch (SO GOOD). We were reminded of the fun we had over the next three days because our calves were beyond sore. I guess they were just building themselves up for our next big adventure.


Friends, Food, & Fresh Air

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” -C.S. Lewis


We were very excited when… our always busy flight attendant bestie, Ashleigh, informed us that she had a full weekend at home. We immediately made arrangements to spend the weekend with her and her husband Jojo, and even planned all of our activities in their new hometown of Atlanta. (Yes WE planned our trip to their HOME.) We were so pumped to head to Atlanta and see our friends on Friday evening that Macenzie almost had a heart palpitation.

When we arrived, Jojo was working so we went out for dinner with Ashleigh at a hole in the wall, completely vegan restaurant called Viva La Vegan. This place was very small but the flavor was enormous. We each got a different dish and all were amazing. Vegans and meat eaters alike would not be disappointed with the menu options here. We raved about the vegan donuts so much they even sent us off with a free cinnamon roll. SWEET. Dinner was a wonderful time to catch up and talk about future plans and dreams. After stuffing ourselves we returned to their perfectly decorated apartment for card games and laughs. When Jo finally got off work we picked him up and headed straight for Target to pick up the new Ben & Jerry’s vegan ice cream. Much to our dismay…they were all out UGH.


The next morning, we went to Kale Me Crazy for an acai bowl extravaganza. We make smoothie bowls at home on a regular basis and are 100% obsessed, so we were beyond thrilled to try some ~professionally~ made. They did not disappoint and left each of us scraping the bowl wishing there was more. After a nutrient packed breakfast, we headed to Sweetwater Creek State Park for a short hike.


The park was beautiful and the weather was just the right amount of breezy and sunny for a day outside. We hiked the yellow trail first which took us beside the creek, over a big red bridge, and through the woods. There was a steep incline that had us wishing for more oxygen and less lactic acid, but the views were worth it. We then hiked to the old mill ruins on the red trail. Ashleigh and Jojo talked all about how they wanted to get a puppy and were gushing over all of the dogs along the trail (there were a lot of dogs btw if you’re skeered).


We were pretty hungry after our hike so we went home for a quick snack and then set off towards Trader Joe’s for the ingredients to make our epic barbeque jackfruit tacos RECIPE HERE(!!!!) As we were pulling into the store’s parking lot we witnessed a woman chasing a young man in a full on sprint and are pretty sure he stole something from her. Not far behind the woman were two teenage girls. All running after this kid. What the hay Atlanta?

We made the barbeque jackfruit along with avocado slaw, refried beans, pineapple salsa, and caramelized onions. IT WAS SO GOOD. We were all kinda surprised to be honest lol. We then decided that we NEEDED ice cream for dessert because we were so disappointed the night before. We went to Krog Street Market and walked around the shops with our much appreciated ice cream. When we returned home we watched a movie until we fell asleep. It was another great day with our great friends.

The next morning, we visited Grace Midtown Church because our friends had been going there and wanted to share it with us. We absolutely loved the atmosphere and the sermon about Jacob. (Seriously if you live in the Midtown area CHECK IT OUT!) After church we went to our favzzzz spot Yeah! Burger for lunch. The food and the weather were bomb. It was about an hour drive home so we said our sad farewells and headed back home. Leaving long distance best friends are never easy. Until next time!
